
Comparative Analysis of the Prevalence of Domestic Violence in India, Basis the NFHS 2015-16 and 2019-21

Abstract: No nation is untouched by domestic violence, and it is well-known that it seriously impacts women’s health and well-being. The present study aims to assess the prevalence and characteristics of domestic violence during the COVID-19 pandemic, as compared to the years before, using National Family Health Survey (NFHS) data from 2015-16 and 2019-21.

Assessing Women’s Empowerment through Self-Help Groups: A Study of Personal and Economic Agency in Jabalpur, India

Abstract: Empowerment is a multi-dimensional social process that enables individuals, particularly women, to gain autonomy and control over their lives. Historically, women have faced both struggles and progress in achieving empowerment. Globally and in India, institutional and systemic interventions have been accelerating, with Self-Help Groups (SHGs) emerging as a significant avenue for promoting women’s empowerment. 

Association between access to healthcare and women’s empowerment in India: An analysis of the National Family Health Survey-5

Abstract: My third research paper is a statistical analysis of state-wise NFHS 5 data to understand how access to healthcare variables influences women’s empowerment-related variables in the country. I wrote this paper under the guidance of Professor Sourabh Bikas Paul, an associate professor of Economics at IIT Dehli.