Hey little girl, I hope you’re okay,
I just had a little message to convey.
I know right now it seems that everything is falling apart, but trust me you’re living the best parts.
Live in the moment and not in the past or the future, enjoy your present.
Skip a few classes, flunk a few tests- because that won’t matter in a couple of years.
What will matter is your memories,
Because it won’t get any easier,
the staying up till the sun comes out again,
the pointless banters,
the silly fights,
eating all the food,
dancing in the hallways,
pranking your friends,
long video-calls,
deciding what to wear tomorrow.
And I know this might sound futile right now, but you not doing this has brought me great sorrows.
Please hug your friends a little longer, go down more frequently because you never know when you might lose
And it will hurt. There is going to be pain, a lot of pain.
Sometimes, it will hurt physically, like you’ve lost the ability to breathe,
The loneliness will become overpowering, but what’s important is that you will get through.
And as much as I want to sound optimistic, I’m sorry but there’s more bad news, happy ever afters don’t exist.
Prince charming was only made for cinderella,
Aladdin’s magic lamp was his salvation, not yours.
I’m sorry but there are no 7 dwarfs for help, so just be happy with your 2 friends.
Don’t try kissing frogs, it will only bring disease,
And sometimes people will put you at unease- they will lie and cheat,
Laugh at you, put you down because not everyone has the ability to radiate ice and wear blue gowns.
You will grow apart, you will grow closer.
There will be fights, with those of your own and others.
Words will be said, promises will be broken but please don’t leave anything unspoken.
So speak up, speak up when you want to say something,
Speak up when you’re right,
Speak up when you think that you can add value.
And stop apologizing, you haven’t done anything wrong,
You don’t need to be sorry for being yourself.
Don’t give people the power to decide for you, speak up because my love, your voice does matter.
I’m almost done with the sad parts, just a little bit more-
There will be some people on whom you have to shut the door.
You need burn some bridges for they will not break,
Don’t dare yourself granted you take.
Become your priority because you are not a minority,
Let go of all the insecurities,
And let in some of the the immaturity,
Trust me, the last thing that matters is your popularity.
Sorry if I’ve scared you because there is happiness too,
In learning about your parent’s childhood,
In letting the wanderlust consume you,
And definitely, in getting a tattoo.
In staying up late at night and gossiping,
And doing a lot of pointless online shopping,
In just constantly singing or talking, with the ones you love.
There is infinite joy in the warm nights when you stay in, or going to a party and enjoying,
In the thrill of sneaking out at night but also the love of spending time with your family.
In stalking random crushes on Instagram to attending concerts with your fam,
In the wind flirting with you hair when you’re driving with the windows down at midnight,
In taking too many pictures and sticking them on your wall and decorating it with lights.
In letting your elder sister put your eyeliner or in stealing your brother’s favourite hoodie.
In going to the mall with your best friends and trying out all the outfits you will never buy,
In the mere hope, when you say goodbye.
So I know it’s a lot,
But you also know my promises are true,
So when you come and meet me,
I promise to take care of you.
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