Paint me red for all my sisters who bled and screamed and suffered to death because they are forced to live in a nation where they would rather have abomination than let a woman get an abortion and save not 1 but 2 lives. Paint me red because when that vessel of undeveloped bones and jumbled up nerves and veins with one heart will break, there will be 4 hands bloody. Paint me black for all the black blood spilled, for all the lives labelled unworthy just because of the chromosomes in their body. Paint me black for all white, for the white that think they’re protecting people and obeying laws, for the white that are accepted with all their flaws. Paint me black for the white who think they aren’t part of the cause. Paint me black for the lives left in tatters. Paint me black for those obligatory, capital earning instagram hashtags that read, #AllLivesMatter. Paint me a rainbow with glorious streaks of blue and purple and even gold for all those who have been told and taught and tortured about the righteousness for loving someone right. Paint me a rainbow for the story of Adam and Eve because maybe nobody thought to perceive that Eve was just short for Evan. Paint me green for the bruises on a smashed face in the name of a superior race, caste or creed. Paint me green for the trembling bodies of innocents who can’t feed all because they’ve been named of the lower class, whose lives today are still being dictated by their tainted past. Paint me green for the jobs still reserved to do by certain people, for the absurd idea of being in control of certain people, of having power over certain people. Paint me a hue of saffron for the mongolia flowers offered to hindu goddesses, in the name of which we disrupt into hateful wars and relentless riots. Paint me a hue of saffron because I wish people knew that priests in the highest levels of a mosque drape themselves with the same saffron. Paint me a hue of saffron and then ask yourself, how are we different? Paint me a hue of saffron, no, Paint me a hue of basil for the intricate designs of the basil-binded quran. Paint me a hue of basil for the basil bangles and basil clothes that Durga is dressed up in. Paint me a river of tears, of sweat, of hate, of love, of anger, of pain. Paint me a river of insanity, Paint me a river of humanity.
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