
1 min read


on death

what is it, death?

death is the reuniting of those that you never thought you would see again. 

death is your cousin in America,

and your aunt in London,

coming together after a decade. 

death is stepping into a house you left behind,

roots disseminating below your feet 

once you keep your foot on the creaking wood.

death is sitting in a circle once again,

and once again sharing those unbelievable stories,

and once again sharing boundless, contagious laughter.

death is letting yourself melt in the hands of those around you.

death is like opening a box of lost childhood toys— it hurts at first, until you hug them close.

death is remembering that which is gone 

in all it’s glory, 

in all it’s joy. 

no, death, can never be about losing.

death is, always, about gaining. 


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