I want to be invincible.
Like every average teenager I want to be ‘acceptable’,
I want to be shrinkable and irresistible,
I want to be slim, with an hour-glass body,
With, my face drowned in cosmetics too,
While I try to shout for my salvation, but all that comes out is a muffled “Thank you”.
I want to live by my own principles.
I want the wind to flirt with my hair when I’m driving with my windows down at midnight,
I want to scream every lyric of every song on the top of my lungs, even though half the time I’m singing the
wrong words,
I want to take too many pictures and stick them on my wall and decorate it with lights,
I want to read all the books I want in the world,
Because I want to be happy. But I also want to be successful.
I want to do a double masters and a PhD and learn about all the things that fascinate me,
I want to be a professor, teaching children about the beauty of literature.
I want to be that girl, who can quote any book at any time, who knows the works of Maya Angelou by heart,
who gives movie references with the ease of breathing. I want to be her.
I want to be my mother’s hard work,
I want to be my father’s compassion,
I want to be my brother’s joy,
I want to be my aunt’s boldness,
I want to be my best friend’s smile,
The me, who can overcome every mile,
I want to be my dog’s loyalty,
I want to be my sister’s love.
Because I want to be invincible,
And maybe, one day when I open my eyes,
I want to be that one- who falls in love with being alive.
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