
2 min read


human being

Let me tell the tale
Of a girl who didn’t stop,
Who climbed every mountain
Without a pause on the top.
She topped every exam,
Every debate, every match.
She skipped meals even,
Just to reach the goals she believed in.
She reached everywhere before time,
Pleasing everyone with her mime,
Pretending to be all poshed up and pretty,
Drowning in a facade,
Begging people to show some pity.
She woke up early just to study
And slept late at night so she could spend time with her family.
Locked up in her room all day,
Preparing for ivies,
To have wealth and material things.
Ignoring all God’s gifts
Like the first wind of Spring.
When she found time for herself,
She danced until each blade of grass
Was clothed in drops of dew,
And the sun knew her by name
But the silver moon did too.
Sometimes she looked out of her glass cage,
Only to see those who were once inseparable with her,
And shed a tear or two out of sorrow, or maybe rage.
She kept on going, never stopped,
For a fear had settles in her bones,
A fear of sitting still,
That if you’re not moving forward
It must mean you never will.
That if you stop,
The whole pretense will drop.
That if you falter,
The failure could not be altered.
So she let the time pass,
Ignored even the rain,
The sun’s invitation were, but in vain,
Seasons came and seasons left
Her heart and mind cleft.
The guardians of the moon howled to0,
Their heart ached for the girl looking out through the bedroom window.
Memories that felt as if they occurred yesterday,
Turned into flashes of moments that seemed to fade away
People she once knew,
Walked by without a clue.
The times she once shared,
Existed as if she were never there.
She wanted to go back even more,
To being a kid in a candy store.
How she missed the way she used to feel
on Christmas day when Santa was real.
And in time her dance got slower,
Her feet tired, her motivation perspired,
And she looked at all she’d done, all she’d seen,
But found gaps inside the places
That she’d never fully been,
For she was a human doing
Human moving, human seeing.
But she’d never taken the time
To simply be a human being.


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