I hope you read all the books you want in the world,
I hope you pick flowers and put them in your hair,
I hope you laugh, genuinely laugh, on the top of your lungs to a point where you fall down and your stomach aches,
I hope you know that life is so much more than an Instagram story or a snapchat caption that won’t even matter in 5 years,
I hope you take too many pictures and stick them on your wall and decorate it with lights, just the way you wanted to,
I hope you wear every dress that you want to, wherever you want to,
And that you wear different fragrances for different days,
I hope you scream when you’re on roller coasters but then go again anyways,
I hope you have the bestest of friends, with whom you can make so many memories and get into even more trouble,
I hope you can smile with them and cry, and show them your biggest insecurities,
I hope one day you skip school with them, without reason, and go on an adventure,
I hope you experience the thrill on sneaking out in the middle of the night,
But I also hope you experience the warmth of spending time with your own family,
I hope you scream every lyric on the top of your lung, even though half the time you’re singing the wrong words,
I hope you know the joy of long warm showers, bathtub times or just taking a dip in ice-cold rivers,
And of midnight car rides,
I hope you dance like nobody’s watching, like the beat of the song consumed you,
I hope you get into pillow fights and useless banters with your brother,
I hope you swim to the depths of the ocean, with the sharks and the jellyfishes,
And that you feel the dirt between your fingernails when you climb mountains,
I hope that you know the importance of the sun and the feeling of home that the rain provides,
Because I hope that you spend days lying on the grass to soak up the sun or jumping in puddles to enjoy the rain,
I hope that you learn how to skate, and skydive and go bungee jumping,
I hope you finish your bucket list,
I hope you get tattoos and get your hair colored and your nose pierced,
I hope that you get all your first-times,
I hope that you understand the difference between knowledge and test scores, between studying and missing out,
I hope you participate in marches and take strikes,
I hope you stand up for what you believe in,
I hope some days you sleep till the evening because you were up till the morning,
I hope some days your coffee tastes like elixir,
I hope you eat your fruits and vegetables because I hope you treat your body kindly, with respect,
I hope you sleep in one city and wake up in another,
I hope you see the Eiffel tower and eat pizza in Rome,
I hope sometimes, no matter how bad you are at it, you do paint
I hope that you be everything you want to be and learn from your mistakes,
I hope you never underestimate yourself and do whatever you want,
I hope you have fun, unapologetic fun,
I hope you believe in magic and in god because miracles happen and the biggest one is just getting to breathe everyday,
Because my dear, I hope that one day when you open your eyes,
You fall in love with being alive.
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