Hey there,
I am Jassimmrat Kaur Bhatia.
I am 17, and a passionate spokesperson for equality. I am finishing my sophomore year in high school. As someone with a creative bent of mind, I wish to explore Literature, History or PPE as an international student.
I enjoy writing and reading outside of school and am dabbling in photography and filmmaking. My work has been accepted, awarded and published in renowned mediums such as Harper’s Bazaar India, The International Journal of High School Research, John Locke Institute at Oxford, and the Royal Commonwealth Society.
When I am not working, you might find me near water, listening to music.
Tree House (Mumbai)
- Preschool
- Key moment: The only time I’ve been able to have a pool party and sleep and call it school.
Universal High School (Mumbai)
- Kindergarten
- Key moment: Dressing up as Jawaharlal Nehru, Rani Lakshmi Bai and so many historical characters, to understand the immense history and heritage we carry as a country.
Billabong High International School (Mumbai)
- 1st Grade
- Key moment: Experiencing for the first time a ‘school routine’, which I would go on to follow for the next 12 years of my life.
Manav Rachna International School (Gurgaon)
- Grades 2nd-6th
- Key moment: Discovering an incredible community of friends and teachers, who made me want to go to school every morning.
Heritage International Xperiential School (Gurgaon)
Key moment: Exploring to realise subject areas and professions I want and don’t want to pursue in the future.
Grades 7th-12th
SEEMA (September 2nd 2022 to October 2nd 2022)
- Written articles for the Teen section of the SEEMA magazine on topics ranging from diverse books for youngsters to importance of teenage fitness.
- Published in their weekly and monthly magazine after going through the editorial process.
Sayodhya (17th August 2022 to 7th November 2022)
- Ideated, designed and created posts for their LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram, along with creating captions, that have been posted on their social media pages.
- Attempted to research and create a marketing-strategy document that analyzed Saathi Re’s competitors in handmade bags and their marketing strategies.
- Contacted the home-manager at their women safety shelter in Hyderabad and tried to set up interviews for gaining insight on domestic violence.
Joint Women’s Programme (November 1st 2022 to Present)
Currently working on conducting STEM workshops at their Mera Sahara Centre, collaborating with the state government of Goa in regards to their Devdasi Laws and reaching out to more companies for fundraising.
Visited their ‘Mera Sahara Centre’ in Nithari and interacted with over 30 women who had been victims of discrimination and misogyny.
Conducted a 2-hour long discussion with current and former female students of their non-formal education program, around domestic violence and gender discrimination.
Interviewed 15 victims of domestic violence with a standardized questionnaire that I created, in order to gain insight on domestic violence, it’s causes, consequences and possible solutions. Then, converted this into a collection of stories named “Ankahi” that is now available on their digital platforms and mine, and is used to help raise awareness.
Visited their skill development center in Nithari and interacted with the women over there, in order to brainstorm strategies to create a sustainable economic model for the victims of domestic violence to continue their skill development and earn an income from it.
Created a presentation for and conducted a CSR pitch representing JWP at Zoogle Global Technologies, which lead to JWP securing Rs 50,000 as funding.
- Editorji
○ Worked under the social media team as an intern.
○ Was mentored by the senior writers and editors over there to understand the
structure, diction and presentation of news media articles.
○ Learned the basis of journalistic reporting, and digital media functions, designed
and reworked on their social media and wrote articles for them.
○ Emphasis was also put on learning how news is adapted for digital platforms.
○ We were tasked with reviewing their digital portals and social media pages to
provide suggestions. Some assignments included reporting on recent terrorism
cases, water shortage in Dehli, the history of commercial properties in Gurgaon
and the Lok Sabha elections. We also learnt the art of brevity and description —
and which journalistic piece demands what. - Department of Humanities and Social Science, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
○ A research intern under Associate Economics Professor Sourabh Paul, working
on the topic ‘Association between access to healthcare and women’s
empowerment in India: An analysis of the National Family Health Survey-5.’
○ Learnt the skill of data compilation. Specifically, how to compile mass data over
the years for analysis.
○ Understood the difference between causation and correlation when coming to
○ Learnt to use software such as NCSS and Excel for statistical analysis.
○ Learnt drafting research and discussion sections with repetitive language and
graphs into something more readable and less monotonous.
○ Learnt citations for statistical papers.
Co-founder and Social Media head, Project Eunoia (March 2021 – May 2022)
- Ideated, designed and executed a workshop with Grades 9 to 12 regarding Mental Health and the stigma against therapy.
- Interacted with cross cultural perspectives like mental health experts and grade-wide students.
- Developed a ‘mental health deck’ which contains the basics of mental health and various topics around it in order to help struggling students of the school.
- Created a social media page in order to spread awareness.
Co-founder, Project Aqueous (December 2021 – May 2022)
- Interacted with various cross cultural perspectives like underprivileged children of Arunachal Pradesh, Sustainability experts and LIG workers of Gurgaon in order to understand the issue of scarcity of clean drinking water.
- Created a social media page in order to spread awareness.
- Ideated and designed water scarcity posters with underprivileged children of Arunachal Pradesh in order to utilize the resources they have to bring the maximum impact.
- Will be crowdfunding and collecting capital in order to provide needed resources to deal with water scarcity in Arunachal Pradesh.
Co-founder and Social Media head, Project Raqt (January 2022 – Present)
- Interviewed various stakeholders around the issue of lack of awareness and accessibility in regards with menstrual health and hygiene, including renowned founders of sanitary product and menstrual hygiene awareness organizations.
- Created a social media page in order to spread awareness. Have ideated an designed all of their posts in order to reach more than a 350 followers, gaining 100 of them in a span of a month.
- Crowdfunded through a bake sale in our school to raise over Rs 15,000 in revenue. This was used in ordering sanitary napkins used to create over 150 care-packages. These packages, along with 150 awareness pamphlets and thank-you cards were distributed to the girls of 5th to 12th standard in Bhai Biba Singh Khalsa Senior Secondary School, a government school in Delhi. For the same drive, also created and presented a workshop on the importance of awareness and accessibility of menstrual health and hygiene.
- Created a documentary-style video in order to raise awareness on the issue, within which we have interviewed common public across demographics.
- In process of publishing an article on the lack of awareness and accessibility of menstrual health and hygiene for various newsletters and magazines.
- Ideated, designed and executed a workshop with Grades 6 to 10 regarding the anatomical relevance and sustainable menstrual health and hygiene, impacting over 200 middle-grade students.
- Currently working on conducting more government school workshops, establishing our “Train the Trainer program” pan India, collaborating with UNICEF, and partnering up with Pinqstory.
Yale Young Global Scholars
Gained acceptance is YYGS’s second session on Literature, Philosophy and Culture, to be held in Yale University’s campus in Connecticut, USA from 2nd July to 14th July.
Cookie Dough and Mint Chocolate-Chip are my favourite ice cream flavours.
I love collecting epigraphs.
I’m weirdly good at forging signatures.
I have an irrational fear of paper cuts.
My top 3 most-streamed artists on Spotify for 2023 were Taylor Swift, 5 Seconds Of Summer and Olivia Rodrigo.
My Resume