rain rain, come again
and bring with you the ecstasies of your presence
and the medicines of all my pain.
bring with you the carolina shade of the misty sky,
the dew drops on my tinted window
and the petrichor high.
let your droplets absolve us of our unspeakable burdens,
let your cool wind blow away our sorrows,
and give me a reason to draw open my curtains.
when you paint this monotonous, monstrous, monochrome panorama
with your ethereal hue,
when you take away the warm anger of the cemented town,
take away the darkness too.
clear our naked views for the twinkling stars
and the blurred rainbows,
please let our childhood nursery rhymes come true.
we will splish and splash and drape ourselves with dirt
and throw a drama when we get hurt.
and when we hit puddles in a car and when we wet a bystander,
they won’t be angry;
and when the schools shut down and the offices too,
we won’t be angry.
we won’t be angry because
we get to come home to you.
we get to come home to the irresistible fragrance of hot oil
and pakoras and tea that is just the right kind of warm
because after 3 months of constant work,
today in the kitchen, there was my mom.
and even though we learn to recite
“rain, rain, go away”,
our hearts will never sway that way.
in time we will learn to avoid you
courtesy of growing up.
but when we will be sitting in the quiet corners of an empty house, across the ocean
and when we will listen to the sweet embrace of your force touching the ground,
all control will be but in vain
for our hearts will only say, rain rain come again.
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