
2 min read


Poetry hour

She dreams of bliss;

Twilight in the lush green meadows,
Running under the
Glinting like rubies kept in the sunlight,
Towards the ruins of her castle.
Parts of her died in that house she grew up in,
She is never a whole person.
It shined, though.
Today it shined.

This is not the darkness she endured
This is the light
She refused to

The blue fabric clasped on to her fragile body,
Lined with scars beyond show,
Ruffles and feathers to hide all her
A blue dress soaked in dew,
Not by her tears, thankfully.

There was an entire universe itching under her skin,
She could feel it.
It twists and pulsates.
It demands her attention and yet
She can’t find it in herself a way
To settle it.
To quiet it.

She promised herself that she would learn to love
The skies
She was under but
It seemed as though today,
It was the sky who needed love more than her.
It was a little bit on fire.

A dappled horse,
A velvet cloak,
A posy of primroses,
A precious bracelet,
Crown jewels.
In the corner,
A young girl wailed.

Large blue eyes,
They dance under the moonlight.

She only ever thought
There were two types of realities
The kind you’d kill for
And the kind you’d die for.
But this, my darling,
This was the kind of reality
She would live for.

For when the cold dark hands
Welcome her drowned face home
In the middle of the night,
When she feels all hope is lost-
She hears the phantom tune of the piano
And lets herself bleed

To her worst hello,
And her favourite goodbye.


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